"CREATED TO CREATE" Retreat in Williamsburg, VA

I was privileged to co-lead 
a workshop-retreat
with Karen Gilbert this past weekend
in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Twenty-three women attended
from Derbyshire Baptist Church in

Here are pictures from the weekend -
(Friday evening through Sunday afternoon).
If you did not attend the retreat,
you may just want to see the first few;
but I posted most of them for the 
women that were there.

We made journals that we used at each
session.  Then we had workshops in
quilting, photography, mosaics, 
and hand-knitting.

We had a fabulous steering committee.
They provided gifts for each session as well.

Making Our Journals 


 Knitting with Hands




"Be Still" Moments and

 Last Session:
Celebrate Creativity


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